December 8, 2023 Daily Reflection – A Hefty Dose of Humble Pie

Brief Overview of the Day

The first part of my day went well; I accomplished what I needed to do. However, I encountered a technical issue on a website that slowed me down. I didn’t have enough time to address it and, though I had hoped to make more progress, such setbacks are part of the job.

In the latter half of the day, I volunteered to help a friend with a catering event, seeing it as an opportunity to earn a bit of money for an evening’s work.

Later, I found out that the event was hosted by a former elementary and high school classmate who has become a successful M&A lawyer. I harbor no jealousy and fully acknowledge his accomplishments, recognizing that his demanding career as an M&A lawyer is something I believe I couldn’t mentally handle myself.

However, the situation made me feel small and filled with regret. I had incredible opportunities growing up, but I feel like I’ve wasted the first 33 years of my life. These thoughts led to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and a sense of failure, compounded by financial insecurity. I know I shouldn’t think this way, and I don’t always, but that’s where my mind went.

I’m aware that there’s honor in doing whatever it takes to survive. I think of GSP, who was a garbage man before becoming a world champion, and I’m sure there are many other similar success stories. But yesterday, my ego was hurt, and I felt humbled. Despite trying to find a positive perspective, it was a mentally challenging afternoon.

Upon arriving at the event, I was struck by the beauty of the house and found it hard to imagine owning something like that at my age, having struggled financially for so long.

It was difficult not to dwell on “what ifs” and wonder if different choices in the past would have led me to a different present, rather than doing a catering gig for $150.

The event itself went very well, and I actually enjoyed it without feeling small at any point.

Yet, it’s hard at times not to regret my past and compare myself to others. I acknowledge that I am responsible for the choices I’ve made and understand that I need to focus on the present, which is all we can control. But sometimes, this realization is still very hard to put at the forefront.

Current Goals (same as yesterday)

List each goal in detail (e.g., “Increase monthly SEO client base by 20%”, “Develop a new passive income stream through affiliate marketing”).

For each goal, explain why it’s meaningful to you. How does it contribute to your larger vision or personal satisfaction?

1. Make $15,000 a month

Right now, my financial situation isn’t great, and I really need to boost my income. I’ve been looking into Jacky Chou, who’s pulling in an impressive 8-9K a day. Plus, I’ve seen several case studies on Niche Pursuits about people earning 10-20K a month.

This has shown me it’s definitely achievable. I’ve got the skills, or at least I’m willing to learn them. But to improve my mental and overall well-being, I know I need to drastically improve my financial situation.

2. Weigh 185 lbs

My main goal is to be in the best shape of my life, rather than hitting a specific weight target. However, reaching 185 lb would be symbolic since it means I would have lost 100 lbs in total. But for now, the real, immediate goal is to get back under 200 lbs.

I just want to feel good in my own skin and have real confidence. I find that I get this feeling when I’m making progress with fitness. This is important not just for my physical health, but again, for my mental and overall well-being.

Progress Towards Goals

Outline the actions taken for each goal. For example, “Contacted five potential clients for SEO services” or “Researched affiliate marketing platforms.”

Were there any unplanned opportunities or obstacles that impacted these goals today?

Make $15,000 a month: I completed 2.5 hours of client work and did the catering gig in the evening.

Weigh 185 lbs: I didn’t exercise and my diet wasn’t good.

SEO and Web Design Progress

Detail client interactions: What specific communications occurred? Any feedback or new requests?

Describe project milestones achieved or particular challenges in your work.

I worked for a couple of hours on a website that I need to finish as soon as possible.

Passive Income and Business Ideas

Summarize progress in current ventures, like content creation or marketing strategies.

Elaborate on new business ideas: What sparked these ideas? How do they align with your skills and interests? What initial research or planning did you do?

Consider potential next steps for these business ideas: What information do you need? Who could you reach out to for advice or collaboration?

I didn’t make any progress today.

(same as yesterday below)

My other projects are somewhat stuck at the moment. I believe that focusing on growing Nextbop offers the best chance for a significant payday, so that’s where I’ve been channeling my energy over the past week.

I’m just in the initial brainstorming phase, but right now, I’m keen on exploring a couple of areas. First, I want to learn Bubble, and second, I’m interested in figuring out how to connect ChatGPT to other APIs. The ultimate goal is to combine both these skills into creating a SAAS product. I’m a bit concerned that I might need to learn Python to effectively achieve my goals, especially with the technical aspects I’m looking into.

Client Project Updates

List each client and the specific project you’re working on for them.

For each client, detail where you are in the project. What milestones have been reached? What significant progress was made today?

Outline what is left to be done for each project. Are there any pending tasks or upcoming deadlines?

Plan the immediate next actions for each project. What will you tackle next? Are there any client meetings or feedback sessions scheduled?

Shoe Store: (same as yesterday) I didn’t work on this today. There is still data entry to complete and a month’s worth of SEO tasks ahead.

  • Next actionable step: Finish data entry ASAP

Wellness Centre: I didn’t work on this today.

  • Next actionable step: Waiting on feedback

App Website Started debugging the mobile version of the website.

  • Next actionable step: Finish final edits and debugging mobile version

Cafe: Posted on Instagram. Need to start working on next week’s posts.

  • Next actionable step: Draft next week’s posts.

Asian Restaurant Merch: Exchanged with client. Need to finish mockups and get final price quote.

  • Next actionable step: Need to finish mockups and get final price quote.

Greek Cafe: Got merch edits. Need to edits designs. Need to draft the next batch of Instagram content. Plus need to pitch a design for a new website.

  • Next actionable step: Edit merch designs. Make batch of Instagram content.

Asian Restaurant Website (same as yesterday): I need to update the website with holiday hours and also work on fixing the site speed.

  • Next actionable step: Update holiday hours

Electrician (same as yesterday): I need to write new copy for the website.

  • Next actionable step: Write copy first draft

Kids’ Store (same as yesterday): I need to fix technical errors on the website and write one month’s worth of content.

  • Next actionable step: Fix technical errors

Tea Shop (same as yesterday): Business emails on hold. Need to start writing content for the website.

  • Next actionable step: Write first draft of content for the homepage.

Carpenter (same as yesterday): The project is currently on hold. Awaiting feedback from the client.

  • Next actionable step: Follow up with client

Ski Store (Business Development) (same as yesterday): I need to conduct an SEO audit.

  • Next actionable step: Write up audit

Vegan Restaurant (Business Development) (same as yesterday): I need to write a proposal for a website project.

  • Next actionable step: Conduct keyword research

Personal Passive Income Project Updates

List each project and for each , detail where you are in the project. What milestones have been reached? What significant progress was made today?

Outline what is left to be done for each project. Are there any pending tasks or upcoming deadlines?

Plan the immediate next actions for each project. What will you tackle next? Are there any client meetings or feedback sessions scheduled?

Nextbop (same as yesterday): I didn’t work on this today.

  • Next actionable step: Build next category page

Best Songs Period (same as yesterday): This website was created for an SEO competition. However, the current strategy doesn’t seem to be yielding the desired results. I am considering abandoning this project to concentrate on other ventures. Additionally, I’m contemplating switching my focus to Shirt Slingers for the competition, as I believe it has the potential to generate more income in the long term.

  • Next actionable step: Decide whether to pursue further

Shirt Slingers (same as yesterday): I see considerable potential in this website, which essentially revolves around drop shipping graphic t-shirts. My immediate task is to complete the setup of the “I Love My Girlfriend” category. Additionally, I need to persist in creating and adding new designs to enhance the website’s offerings.

  • Next actionable step: Finish “I Love My Girlfriend” category page

Caviar Drip (same as yesterday): This project is somewhat on hold due to a lack of funds to purchase inventory. However, I can still focus on writing content and expanding the Leff Amsterdam section, which I can manage through dropshipping.

  • Next actionable step: Add Grove Campus and Leff Amsterdam products

Procrastination Check

Identify the tasks you put off. Were they complex, time-consuming, or outside your comfort zone?

Analyze the reasons behind the procrastination: Lack of motivation, fear of failure, feeling overwhelmed?

Devise a specific plan for these tasks. Could breaking them into smaller steps help? Would setting a dedicated time block or deadline be beneficial?

Procrastination wasn’t an issue today, but a significant portion of my day was spent at the catering gig.

What Could I Have Done Better?

Reflect on your productivity and focus. Were there periods of distraction or inefficiency?

Assess your interactions: Could communication with clients or colleagues have been improved?

Think about decision-making: Were there any hasty or delayed decisions today?

Aside from my diet, there wasn’t much else to note, although I might have considered exercising but don’t think I really had the time.

Challenges Faced

Work-Related: Detail any project hurdles, client misunderstandings, or technical issues. How did you approach solving them? What solutions worked or didn’t work?

Health and Fitness: Discuss specific challenges in sticking to your diet or exercise regimen. Did you encounter temptations, lack of time, or motivation issues? Reflect on your yoga practice: Were there poses or sequences that were particularly challenging?

Work-Related: Nothing major.

Health and Fitness: Can’t seem to commit to eating better once again.

Financial Overview

Today’s Cash Inflows: 0
This Month’s Cash Inflows: 2,069.10
This Month’s Target: 6,500
Still to go: 4,430.90

November 2023 Cash Inflows: 2,491.63
October 2023 Cash Inflows: 5,210.59

Lessons Learned

Consider the key learnings from today. How have they contributed to your personal or professional growth?

Were there any moments of insight or clarity that reshaped your perspective on a project, goal, or personal habit?

I should adopt a more stoic mindset. I volunteered for the catering gig and had to attend regardless. All the mental gymnastics – thoughts like “I feel inferior,” “They’re going to think I’m a loser,” “I’m a failure,” “I shouldn’t be at this point in my life,” along with feelings of regret and remorse – are a complete waste of mental bandwidth. Most of this is just in my head. The majority of people, being self-absorbed, won’t spend even a fraction of a second having these thoughts. Since I had to do the task regardless, all that negative self-talk isn’t real; it’s something I’m doing to myself, and it’s hurting no one but me. However, sometimes, putting this into practice is easier said than done.

Goals for Tomorrow

Work and Learning Goals: Specify the top priority tasks and learning objectives for tomorrow. Include any preparatory steps needed.

Health and Fitness Goals: Detail your planned diet and exercise for tomorrow. Are there specific targets, like calorie intake or workout intensity?

Work and Learning Goals: On break for the weekend.

Health and Fitness Goals: On break for the weekend. Still should try to eat cleaner.

Closing Thoughts

Conclude with an overall reflection. What are you grateful for today? What gives you hope or motivation for tomorrow?

I still absolutely love this exercise and am really eager to do it every day. Today was primarily about playing mental games with myself, but that’s a part of growth and learning. Ultimately, I need to focus on the fact that I’m doing what I have to do to survive, and there’s honor in that. This will definitely pay off in the long run. For whatever reason, this was God’s plan yesterday. I probably have some things in my past that I haven’t fully come to terms with yet. However, I just need to make the most of each day I’m given, focus on the present, and concentrate on the things I can control.

Craft a question based on your day’s experiences that encourages reader interaction. For example, ask for tips on a challenge you faced or opinions on a new business idea.

Reflecting on my recent experiences with mental challenges, how do you deal with negative thoughts and mental barriers, such as feelings of inferiority, perceived failure, or self-doubt, that can interfere with your actions and goals? I would appreciate hearing your strategies or advice on overcoming these mental hurdles.

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